The places of longing for the last two pieces are in the garden of the Consulate and the Toyseller's shop. With all five pieces gathered, interact with the spirits again. Inside a sack will be the Devourer's Heart body armor. Either make it all the way to the balcony at X: 180, Y: 408 and teleport, fly, or find the hidden ladder to the beach below, or use the wines from the gardens of the consulate. The body is near the garden of the Lizard Consulate. On the table to the left you will see spirits who will instruct you to go to the Lizard Consulate.) (Head to the Toymaker's shop at X: 274, Y: 297. You can talk to the new spirit of the armor piece but it is not yet required. You can learn the combination for the lock from a note behind the painting "Portrait of the Outlaw Empress" (X:500 Y:985) hanging on the wall to the left side of the locked door behind the paintings "Passion of Lucian". The Helm is in the blue cupboard in Vault of Linder Kemm. During the conversation with the voice of flame at the new place, if you guess his nature correctly, he will reward you with a skillbook. The place can be found deep inside the lava fields, at the south-eastern end of the map (follow the quest marker).

Attached to this piece of armor is a fanatic lizard spirit, talk to him and the quest will reveal another place of longing. After the vision you will find the Leggings in your inventory. Offer (PC: drag&drop, Console: hold rune in hand and then open head) a flame rune to the dragon skull inside to speak to Voice of Flame. The Leggings of this armor set can be found following red arrows to a cave, near the Altar To Zorl-Stissa (around X180, Y685). Talking to him leads to another place of longing, inside the Blackpits Cavern.

When you equip those boots, a dwarf spirit will appear (spirit vision). Head to the eternal flame dragons in the graveyard and retrieve the boots from the body of the digger. Head to Stonegarden, read Ryker's Visitor Lodge and the quest will update the location of the dead shady digger. There is an option to obtain the flame essence. Interact with it to learn more from Voice of flame.

Inside Orivand's Chambers, you find another set of glowing books on a table. For every vision you do NOT resist, your main character will be hit by 1 round of Shackles of Pain during the final encounter of this quest. NOTE: At every point where you experience the fiery vision, you have the option to resist it. You also learn more clues from the Voice of flame. In a cursed chest, you can find The Devourer's Claws. Pass The Gargoyle's Maze, and enter the tower. In front of the Gargoyle's Maze, you can find a note on a dead adventurer.